During my Ph.D., I studied a range of South American migrants as part of a collaborative group called Aves Internacionales. Below are some short clips showing how different species track with seasonal temperature and rainfall patterns in South America (and one boreal migrant across both hemispheres). The points in the videos come from geolocator data collected by the collaborative group and the clips were put together by an undergraduate researcher in the Caz Lab at the time, Trey Hendrix. Thanks Trey!
Austral migrant Tyrannus savana #H491 2014
(Does not track average monthly high temperatures; Thanks Trey Hendrix for making the video!)
Austral migrant Tyrannus savana #H491 2014
(Tracking monthly average daily cumulative precipitation; Thanks Trey Hendrix for making the video!)
Austral migrant Tyrannus melancholicus #B025 2010-2012
(Does not track temperature; Thanks Trey Hendrix for making the video!)
Video of rainfall tracking for T. melancholicus is currently missing. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Boreal migrant Tyrannus tyrannus #364 2012
(Tracking temperature (watch the 300 degree isocline); Thanks Trey Hendrix for making the video!)
Boreal migrant Tyrannus tyrannus #364 2012
(Does not track rain; Thanks Trey Hendrix for making the video!)